TT Pride Arts Festival 2018

Rudolph Hanamji

Michael Francis James

Terry-ann Roy

Cherisse Lauren Berkeley

Gaynor De Gaye Foster

Kennedy Everett Maraj

Josh Ryan

Johannah-Rae Reyes

Jay Pierre-Smith

“As an idealist at heart, I truly believe that anything is possible – including a world free of hate, fear, prejudice, bigotry, violence, exclusion and oppression.


Many do not share this position and did not believe that T&T was ready for a truly public LGBTQIA Pride Festival – given the prevailing prejudices held by some in society. I see my country differently and knew that the time had come after 30 years of ‘Pride & Hide’, for the LGBTQIA Community to celebrate itself, with its allies, and all the positive contributions it has made to the national development of T&T.


The immense support demonstrated by the many persons who came out today, to ‘stand with us’ as we ‘unite for love’, proves that T&T is ready! Today marks the beginning of the end of homophobia in T&T and the loss of life and its enjoyment that comes with it. Trinidad & Tobago claims to be a rainbow nation, and if that means that true unity has to be symbolized by the LGBTQIA Community then here we are – cutting across all barriers (ethnicity, sex, political, social, economic backgrounds etc.).
Today, I am prouder than I have ever been – proud of what the Committee has achieved in a few weeks and with little resources, but more so, of the wider LGBTQIA Community & its allies, and certainly of my nation. Today, T&T makes history around the world and together we chart a new course for national unification.”

Credits To: Alex Warner

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Author: QueerTT